Ep 197 – Exploring Loan Options in Today's Market

Ep 197 – Exploring Loan Options in Today's Market
Higher interest rates are leading many people to be fearful of investing in real estate. In reality, interest rates should never be the thing that holds you back when you’re looking to build out a real portfolio.

Today’s market is actually presenting investors a buying opportunity that we never saw during Covid. After years of low rates causing properties to fly off the shelves for over list price, you can now actually take your time, do your due diligence, and acquire the asset you really want.

Adam Schroeder and Zach Lemaster talk about how you should be utilizing interest rates right now, different loan options you can take advantage of, and what you should be analyzing when looking at your future portfolio.

Ep 186 – Location, Location, Location: Where You Buy Matters

Ep 186 – Location, Location, Location: Where You Buy Matters

Identifying the right market and building the right team is what will make you successful as a real estate investor. You have to step outside your...

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Ep 190 – Protecting Your Generational Wealth AFTER Death with John Ross

Ep 190 – Protecting Your Generational Wealth AFTER Death with John Ross

Investing during your life requires you to take calculated risks. It’s difficult to build a large portfolio without taking some chances. There are...

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Ep 187 – Building the Right Insurance Plan with Sarry Ibrahim

Ep 187 – Building the Right Insurance Plan with Sarry Ibrahim

Whole life insurance isn’t something a ton of people have. Many people get term life insurance after they have kids, but don’t think about doing...

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